Saturday, January 14, 2017
Happy 2017!!!!
What a loaded year 2016 was! Numerology-wise it was a nine year. A nine year is about loss and letting go. We lost so many brilliant talents, icons, influences, and many of us lost dear friends and acquaintances last year. Quite painful! My computer also decided it was a nine year and stopped working, living in the repair shop more than one time. That's why the blog absence.
This collage is made from saved-up snail mail. It expresses how my 2016 was. I'm in amazement at how outer influences endlessly try to make themselves more important than our own needs! To emerge or rise above the outside world demands.... you CAN'T lose your sense of who you are which is why the word ME is found in the word "emerge." It always amazes me how we lose all sense of who we are when life situations get demanding and overwhelming. So, that's what we need to reclaim to rise above the chaos.
Thankfully....a nine year is followed by a one year....a year of new beginnings. I am amazed at how I have not changed how I'm doing anything, but the outer world has started shifting and things are improving. It's too freaky that this is happening to NOT believe in numerology.
I am thankful to Mariah Carey for her New Year's Eve performance! I have a personal belief that how we experience New Year's Eve is a sampling of how the year will be. I know Mariah took a lot of troll flack for her reaction to her unexpected sound system glitch. To me, I wondered what I'd do if that were me up there in front of billions of people around the world. I was a singer for many years and I feel great empathy for any performer who intends to do well and then something happens to challenge that. What Mariah taught me to focus on this year is....if things don't go as will we deal with it in the moment? Will we react? Will we respond? Can we blame something outside ourselves? Or can we just make light of it or realize we are getting the egg on our face, but we're all learning through that experience.
I felt horrible for her. I do know when I was a singer it was my responsibility to make sure there was a sound check before a performance. But sometimes sound checks can't be done due to conflicts. So, what can one do to make a shockingly unexpected situation into an important lesson? Mariah will probably never know she did this for me, but I am way making sure if things mess up on me I let others involved know we're all human and can identify.
To anyone who reads this blog....first of all thank you for doing so. a good scout and give thought to what you would do if the unexpected happened. Would you react? Respond? Teach? Learn? What would you do? happens to all of us and I thank you for starting off my year with such an important lesson!
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Keeping on the Art Path
I have heard a small part of this speech often, however the whole speech is the kind of speech a creative can go back to when inspiration is low.
I heard about this Neil Gaiman video on a very art inspirational podcast I listen to often at insomnia time. This particular podcast interview was the first time I laughed out loud in the middle of the night because Joey Feldman and 'Youngman Brown' (the podcast interviewer) both shared some honest and funny insights.
Stay inspired...especially in this edgy election time! Stay inspired when medical insurance for Indies is climbing to inhuman heights! Stay inspired when daylight savings time and cloudy Fall days start to darken our much needed light. Stay inspired when your own personal life challenges loom large. Make inspiration larger than anything life flings at us! It's easy to forget to have fun or to forget to laugh....or to just get sucked into the many rabbit hole distractions this era brings. (Fortunately videos and podcasts can play while we're creating.) Creative expression is IMPORTANT! I hope these two talks keep you on your creative path no matter what goes on out there!
Friday, September 30, 2016
A Quick Autumn in NY Weekend
September brought a quick trip to NYC. Here is a view of the full moon from our Uber ride to Harlem.
The main reason for the trip was to upgrade my Pound teaching skills at this Pound Amplify course we were all waiting in line to take. But there were lots of other fun reasons for the trip like family, friends, art, very long walks, and people-watching.
This ad is so NYC! Only in NYC.
The fun thing about a quick weekend in NYC is that you can fill it with enough culture to keep you glowing when you get back home. The sad thing about a quick weekend in NYC is it goes by too quickly, making you long to return again and again.
The main reason for the trip was to upgrade my Pound teaching skills at this Pound Amplify course we were all waiting in line to take. But there were lots of other fun reasons for the trip like family, friends, art, very long walks, and people-watching.
This was a sculpture at the new Whitney Museum that made you stand there just waiting for it to get up and talk to you...or bark at you... and you'd swear it was breathing. The Whitney...tho pricey...had floors of wonderful art to inspire! And beautiful views you could see on every floor, if you want to step out on the terraces.....
This ad is so NYC! Only in NYC.
The fun thing about a quick weekend in NYC is that you can fill it with enough culture to keep you glowing when you get back home. The sad thing about a quick weekend in NYC is it goes by too quickly, making you long to return again and again.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
California Dreamin'
August brought a dream I've had for a few years. The Kalani Therapeutic Drum Course in LA. I finally made it there! It was phenomenal!
Fellow ZIN, Duncan Harte and I got to teach a collage of Zumba, Pound and Interpretive dance to the most fun students a teacher could dream of having!
Now the dream is just a very fond memory. Kalani puts together an excellent and super cool, fun drum therapy course. I lost my mojo for music for over a decade, but this course, the severely talented and friendly teachers and participants all inspired that mojo for music to return! That is the sign of an excellent course!
I have very few photos because we were busy learning so many diverse things from morning to night! This was one of my fave instructors! I want to be like her when I grow up! Abbie Ehorn. She's so much fun! And so mega talented in so many venues!
Fellow ZIN, Duncan Harte and I got to teach a collage of Zumba, Pound and Interpretive dance to the most fun students a teacher could dream of having!
Then my baby girl and I picked out a Momorial bench that is perfect to honor Mom. The light fixture in front was something Mom always mentioned because when baby girl was two, she'd go visit the garden with her grandma and she'd pretend the light fixture was a phone. The view is gorgeous too!
This guy was waiting for his owner who was busy chewing out a representative at the car rental agency. I couldn't resist the cute and welcoming face!
Now the dream is just a very fond memory. Kalani puts together an excellent and super cool, fun drum therapy course. I lost my mojo for music for over a decade, but this course, the severely talented and friendly teachers and participants all inspired that mojo for music to return! That is the sign of an excellent course!
Chicago Botanic Garden,
theraputic drum course
Sunday, July 31, 2016
High Tech Kitties
Kitties tried out a new litter box this month. How many kitties do you know who have a clock built into their litter box???? A kitty never knows what important nap they may miss unless they have a clock.
Honestly, I've test driven many a litter box in my lifetime, but so far this self cleaning one has made life so much easier! Kitties and I highly recommend it. Plus if you put in batteries you'll always know what time it is. And if you need some meditation time you can do a Zen sand garden effect (once it's done it's discard) with the included rake.
What kind of life do we live when this is a high point of the month????
Honestly, I've test driven many a litter box in my lifetime, but so far this self cleaning one has made life so much easier! Kitties and I highly recommend it. Plus if you put in batteries you'll always know what time it is. And if you need some meditation time you can do a Zen sand garden effect (once it's done it's discard) with the included rake.
What kind of life do we live when this is a high point of the month????
Thursday, June 30, 2016
First Vacation in a Long Long Time
A dear friend of mine who I hadn't seen in ten years, met me in Portland, OR. To counter some deeply painful life events that took us far from art and creativity.... she and I decided to take a painting class together in one of the coolest cities ever.
Amazing how this first messy layer of paint...
...eventually turns into something like this.......but only if you're Jesse Reno. But it does inspire you to want to keep practicing.
There was this fashion exhibit at the Portland Museum and since I love design and bead embroidery it filled me with dreams.
Remember this NYC inspired fabric/outfit Patricia Michaels designed in season 2013 of Project Runway? It was nice to see that she is going strong and is still designing and doing runway shows with her work.
These bead embroidered boots made me want to get back into that medium a whole lot.
This kind gentleman was having coffee at Grendle's Cafe which has incredible almond milk cappuccinos that I'll never forget...and gluten-free breakfast sandwiches. I don't get to vacation often and this trip went too too fast. I'm back home in Glutenland, but the Portland memories will stick around forever.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
What's New on Kitty TV?

17 year locusts,
bear food,
kitty TV,
nature as entertainment
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