Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lady Gaga's Been Wearing Babyshoes!

In fashion school we were taught that a trend goes to the extreme before it disappears. Can this type shoe evolve any further? When the wearer has to take ballet lessons on pointe to be able to wear these, I wonder. 

What an interesting walk the wearer has when wearing these shoes!!!! Can you imagine how attractive that walk would look at a party or if someone were making an entrance in a crowded room or on a stage in these? How would they be running to catch a train or driving a car?

Another thing discussed in fashion the state of the world is expressed through each design. What does the way these shoes make the wearer walk say about the state of the world!???!
Any thoughts?

I just wanted to thank the many who have shared their thoughts (offline) about the statement these shoes made to them! Thank you to the commenter who sent me this link update that was posted after this blog entry posted. It's about the designers of these shoes and the meaning behind them!;_ylc=X3oDMTNtOHVmMnFkBF9TAzk4MDc1MTA1MARhY3QDbWFpbF9jYgRjdANhBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi1VUwRwa2cDNTg3NzhkN2UtMWUwNC0zOGVkLWEyNmUtNzBjODRkNTEwZjQyBHNlYwNtaXRfc2hhcmUEc2xrA21haWwEdGVzdAM-;_ylv=3

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