Tuesday, December 31, 2013

That "In Your Face Lesson"

In your face!

It's been a roller coaster of a year in 2013. I'm asking everyone, "What was the one lesson you learned in 2013 that's motivating change in your life now and in 2014?" It's not that we don't learn many lessons in one year...I'm just asking for that one in your face lesson that has moved you to action. 

For me, two local people I knew lost their lives, unexpectedly.  And a sudden serious illness for my sweety cat, left him in so much pain he couldn't eat or drink for days and lost his sparky personality, turning into a listless shell of himself. All left me shocked and in pain and strongly reminded....do what it is you love NOW! No future plans to visit "Someday Isle/I'll." Incorporate what's important to you (even if it's the tiniest step of your passion) into your daily life. Now. Don't let the world endlessly dictate what's important to you. Let your heart tell you. See where it leads you.

For me, it's design. So this is what is priority in my days. Design can branch into many help the world venues too.
How about you? If you read this post...no matter who you are, share what your in your face lesson was for 2013 and what you're going to do about it now and in 2014.
I wish you a passionate and peaceful year of following your heart in 2014!

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